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Entrenamiento para adultos en inglés

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¡La prevención comienza contigo!  Creemos que la educación preventiva es la clave para acabar con el abuso infantil. ABC House ofrece varios entrenamientos gratuitos tanto en inglés como en español para el público, incluidos adultos, cuidadores y profesionales. ¡También ofrecemos entrenamiento privado para grupos, organizaciones y empresas en nuestra comunidad! Comuníquese con nuestro Coordinador de Prevención Comunitaria para obtener más información: o 541-926-2203.

Actualmente, todo nuestro entrenamiento público se realiza a través de Zoom. Regístrese para un entrenamiento gratuito haciendo clic en el cuadro rojo junto al módulo.

Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children® (Guardianes de los niños)

Prevención del abuso sexual infantil - Duración: 2,5 horas

Este entrenamiento galardonada y reconocida a nivel nacional utiliza módulos de video y discusiones dirigidas por un facilitador para enseñar a los adultos cómo prevenir, reconocer y reaccionar responsablemente ante el abuso sexual infantil.

Ciertos profesionales pueden recibir CEU's por asistencia.

Recognizing & Responding to Child Abuse

Oregon Mandatory Reporter Training - Length: 1.5 hours

Whether you are a mandatory reporter or simply a caring adult, this training will teach you how to protect children and support those who have been abused. Topics covered include:

  • Types and signs of child abuse

  • Ways to respond to disclosures, observations, and suspicions of abuse

  • How to document and make a mandatory or voluntary report to the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline (855-503-SAFE)

Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention - Length: 2.5 - 3 hours

This nationally recognized, award-winning training uses video modules and facilitator-led discussion to teach adults how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Attendees will learn the 5 Steps to Protecting children: Learn the Facts, Minimize Opportunity, Talk About It, Recognize the Signs, and React Responsibly.

Certain professionals can receive CEU's for attendance.

Talking with Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse 

Darkness to Light Module - Length: 45-60 minutes

  • Learn why relationships & resilience are the building blocks of safety for children

  • Receive examples of how to talk to children of all ages about personal safety, sex, and sexual abuse

Healthy Touch for Children & Youth

Darkness to Light Module - Length: 45-60 minutes

  • Receive guidelines for healthy touch at home & in youth-serving settings

  • Learn how to balance children's needs for warmth & affection with safe, respectful ways of interacting

  • Learn about healthy sexual development in children to identify normal & abnormal touching behaviors

Protecting Children Through Active Bystanding

Darkness to Light Module - Length: 45-60 minutes

  • Learn what it means to be an active bystander

  • Receive examples of boundary violations & red flag behaviors

  • Learn how to make spontaneous & planned interventions

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

Darkness to Light Module - Length: 45-60 minutes

  • Hear directly from survivors and experts about the root causes of CSEC & what circumstances make children vulnerable

  • Understand how preventing child sexual abuse reduces the risk for children being commercially sexually exploited

  • Hear what actions adults can take to prevent CSEC



Visita con cita previa:

228 SW 5th Ave, Albany OR 97321

Dirección de envio:

PO Box 68, Albany OR 97321


Línea directa de abuso 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana: 855-503-SAFE (7233)

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